When we mention the word Associates we mean not only the organisations or education Institutions whom we have commercial agreements with (e.g. Business Relationship), but the Companies who co-operate with us in different humanitarian and charity projects, who help us to do our job more interesting and with better quality.
We truly believe that our clients should be our Associates too while the business we do expect serious amount of work from the all sides. Student needs excellent place to study as much as “Red Brick University” need genius student and as long as we can keep it we are well able to do what we like the most - Education Consultancy.
Business Relations
The fact of the relations does not mean any unclear or inadequate judgment of the academic or language level of the applicant but underline the possibility to test him/her on the territory of Russian Federation with the support of the institutions above.
Information sponsors or Organisations supporting us in our public actions
British Council
Swiss Tourist Board
Malta Beauro of Tourism
British Airways
Reso Insurance Company