

Our Company "S.Martynov & Associates. Education Consulting" Ltd. (SmartConsult) is working on the field of Education Consulting with whole range of Education programmes which divides on Two main business directions:
- Preparation Language Programmes in our Moscow Centre (IELTS,TOEFL, GMAT)
- Preparation Language Programmes Abroad (IELTS,TOEFL, GMAT, DALF/DELF, ABITUR)
- Vacation Courses for children (include School Preparation Courses)
- Year-around Language Programmes for Children & Students (include Integration)
- Preparation programmes for Universities (Foundation, Academic Year)
- Placement to Boarding Schools & International Colleges
- Placement to Universities
Despite the fact that our company was founded just in September 2004
We have certain undoubted advantages such as
- Personal experience to rely on
- Dependable Associates to work with
- Interesting Programmes to represent
- Reliable Professional Service to be proud of
We give
- confidence to our Associates
- our clients the assurance of their investment
- ourselves reward and satisfaction
The main Geographic interests of our clients are: European Countries (UK, Ireland, Switzerland, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Austria), Australia & New Zealand, USA & Canada.
Our service includes:
- Individual attention to aims & wishes of the client
- Structural & Strategic plans
- Visa support
- Payment control
- Insurance & booking office
Our Clients: We are talking about the people whom our commercial success depend on
- Young people the most active part of society who reacts quickly to fashion, style, new experience
- Mid-age women who is interested in further education of their kids
- Top managers, Heads & Leaders Companies wish to continue their education (MSc, MA, MBA)
Our mission: Commercial projects in the field of Education Abroad
Our Russian Partners: Our Russian Partners divide on three main groups:
- Private boarding and day schools of Moscow and Regions, Colleges & Universities
- Around Service Companies (whose service we sell within our package e.g. Insurance Comp., Air-Line Companies, Psychological Service etc.)
- Cross Marketing Partners (Who cross with our potential clients e.g. Auto Dealers, Fitness Clubs, Coffee Shops & Restaurants, Night Clubs, Art Galleries, Business Centres, Private Medical Clinics etc.)
Our mainstream: We understand "The marketing with our Partners" as a collection of tools and products forwards to attracting and keeping the clients. It is possible only with perfect service from both sides, technical support & control and clear understanding of the aims and wishes.
We are not very different from our formal competitors; however, we do it in rights time in right place, better and more effective.
The following Marketing programme will give you an idea which resources we use in our promotion champagnes and how we could be helpful for you on Russian market. The formal marketing tools are based on 8 years of our experience in Education Product Promotion in particular market with particular education products.
We try to give you an idea how we could make our co-operation more effective and profitable.
We could advice you about the right tool and right time for your product while we do know our market and its interests. We are ready to share with you our knowledge, time and energy.
To create the advice we need the following information:
- Full information about the product
- Marketing budget and resources (grants etc.)
- Ability to introduce the product during Farm Trip or personal visit of the Rep. of our company.
MOTO of The Company: We do invest to our marketing not only our money, time and strength but also our positive attitude.
Why you might be interested in working with us:
- We like the business we run. We never did anything but Education Consulting.
- We appreciate intercultural education business and sure about its perspectives in our country
- Education Consulting is a Young Industry in the World and Baby Age in Russia - we have lots to develop.
- As any Growth Markets Russian one is good for Mid-term investment. It is worth it to try.